Tuesday, July 26, 2016


As I sit here I reflect on why I'm here and what I'm doing.  I wonder why it's taken me this long to finally sit down and start a blog.  Many nights I lay awake with ideas and thoughts running through my head.  I feel that I'm the ONLY ONE with doubts, loneliness, fears, heartache - happiness, love, laughter...the list goes on.  Then I think to myself, "With the billions of people in this world, there's no way I'm the only one feeling this way or thinking this thought."  I remember all the times I've posted something on Facebook (I'm somewhat of an open book - nothing to hide...mostly) only to have MANY people respond saying "Thank you for posting that! I thought I was the only one going through that or feeling that way".  That's when this idea for a blog started forming in my mind, over a year ago.

I'm no expert, by any means.  The things I will be submitting on this blog are things I've experienced or ideas I've had....but I'm pretty sure I won't be alone in my thoughts.  I'm your average 49 year old woman.  I've been married to the same man for 25 years and we have 3 wonderful (not perfect) children.  I am a woman of God and a lover of happiness - albeit, I'm no Pollyanna.  I've had my share of bad days - self inflicted or by the hand (or words) of others.  I'm not here to paint a pretty picture pretending my life is full of unicorns and rainbows.  However, I'm not here to wallow in self pity and invite you readers to any pity party.  I'm here to share my thoughts and experiences with you.  We will laugh together and perhaps even cry together.  Either way, we'll do it together, because we are never alone. :)

I'm new at this blogging scene but hope others will find that they are "Never Alone" as they read my posts.  In being "Never Alone" that could mean A LOT of things.  If you are a person of faith, it could mean God is always with you.  If you are a mother of babies, toddlers, teens or adults, it could mean you connect with other mom's in the same station in life.  If you are a parent of a way ward child, it could mean you have someone there helping you navigate through this difficult time.  If you are a caregiver of a special needs child or an aging parent it could mean you have loved ones around you helping you with the caregiving.  I just want you to know that no matter where you are, what you think you are - good or bad, or what you feel like ---- YOU ARE NEVER ALONE.  There is likely someone out there feeling the same way....just as there is likely someone out there wanting to help.

Always remember and never forget - you are NEVER ALONE.

Stay tuned for my first blog post.  This was just an introduction.....

Much love,



  1. This is what I needed to read. I always feel alone. Thanks for doing this blog. Maybe it will help me to know that I am never alone.

    1. Believe me, Michele....you are never alone. If anything, I'm just a phone call away!

  2. I love it. I am a blogger too and will be following and reading your posts. Putting you on my favorites list. 😊

    1. Thanks, Deb! If you like what I write, please be sure to share it with others. This blogging thing is kind of fun!

  3. I love it. I am a blogger too and will be following and reading your posts. Putting you on my favorites list. 😊

  4. Welcome to the blogging world, Debbie. As a long time blogger (since 2002), it's always cool to see a new blog get started.

    1. What's your blog, Marty? I would love to view it!

    2. This is my main one: http://www.banalleakage.com

      I've been posting less these last few months, but trying to post more as summer ends (I'm outdoors more often). I'm uncensored, so warning you up front in case you see some language here and there (it's not rampant)
