Saturday, September 17, 2016

Endangered? Almost Extinct?

Image result for del mar beach camp pendleton
Camp Pendleton Del Mar Beach
This past summer our family went to the beach.  We enjoy going to the beach.  This particular time we went to the Del Mar Beach on Camp Pendleton in Oceanside, California.  It was later in the afternoon and the beach wasn't very crowded.  I went for a little walk along the water.  The waves were crashing at my feet as I walked.  I observed children and families playing, building sand sculptures, boogie boarding, looking for seashells and just generally having a good time.  As I walked further along the sand I came to a portion of the beach where we weren't "allowed" to go any further.  I discovered it was a protected area for some birds.  These weren't just any birds.  They were birds that are on the endangered species list - the California Least Tern. (Side note: That section of beach is also used for training exercises during certain parts of the year when it's not being used as a breeding ground for these endangered birds.)

Image result for Least Tern Habitat
California Least Tern 
As I turned around and began walking back to our beach area I thought to myself, "That's fantastic that they provide a place for these little birds to be protected so that they don't become extinct." As I was talking to my husband about this I told him, "I think this could be a great idea for a blog post." I'm sure he was wondering what does a beach, birds and a protected area have to do with anything worth reading about on a blog?  Well, let me tell you.

Notice how there are a lot of things that USED to be around but are now extinct?  Dinosaurs. When is the last time anyone has seen a dinosaur (and I'm not talking about your great, great, great grandparent!)?  Woolly Mammoths. They're extinct.  And those poor little Dodo birds (yes, they were real birds that DID exist!).....last one died in 1681.

What about the TELEPHONE?  You know, the one hooked to the wall?  The one that you had to stand next to the phone while talking to someone because it wasn't a cordless phone? 
Oh never mind.
Here's a picture:

Image result for picture of a telephone hooked to the wall
Yep - "back in the day" we had to actually sit down and TALK to the other person.  We didn't really have anything to distract us because we couldn't go too far from the phone if our cord wasn't very long.  We were able to spend time yakking about anything and everything.  We laughed out loud (LITERALLY - and we didn't say LOL, we actually LAUGHED TOGETHER). We talked about the guy we liked. My girlfriends and I would decide what to wear to the next school dance as we TALKED on the phone.

Image result for picture of texting on a cell phoneWe didn't have cellphones so we weren't able to text each other. We actually had to literally pick up the phone, dial the number and hear each other's voices when we wanted to communicate to another person.  Imagine that!  I remember having to hide under my covers at night when this cute boy I liked called me and my mom would yell "Debbie! Hang up the phone!" I had a phone in my room so I would hide myself under the blankets while talking to Rudy for hours....until I got caught, darn it! No texting.....all talking!

Internet service....finally!
"I have service now, too!"
Our family went on a family trip this past summer.  We drove from California to Idaho to Colorado. There was a stretch between Idaho and Colorado where there was NO phone or Internet reception. Our children were going crazy! One son was so frustrated that he "cussed out" our phone service (just to us - not actually to Sprint) and wanted to throw his cellphone out the window.  When we finally got to a place where there was Internet service you would think our family had just discovered GOLD!  Everyone was so happy to be able to check Facebook, snapchat, Instagram, Twitter and whatever other social media outlet there was.  I have a picture of our family at the restaurant (posted above)....everyone was on their cellphone on social media. I had to laugh because NO ONE was talking to each other...everyone was on social media. It's like we were all there but no one was there all at the same time.

Image result for picture of someone writing a letterWhat about the art of letter writing?  Now with Facebook there doesn't seem to be a "need" or even a "desire" to sit down and communicate with someone the "old fashion way".  When we couldn't call someone (maybe it was too expensive to make calls 'back in the day' or the other person didn't have a phone) we would WRITE A LETTER or send a note. Can you imagine opening your mailbox and only getting bills or junk mail everyday? That could get depressing. Every year for the past 24 years for my birthday I knew no matter what happened, no matter who DIDN'T remember my birthday I would get a birthday card IN THE MAIL from my mother-in-law. With her declining health, that has since stopped, however, without fail, on my birthday (or a day or two before or after) I would get a lovely card from her. She has no idea how much that meant to me to not only be remembered but for her to actually take the time to get, write and send a card to me.

Image result for del mar beach camp pendleton
Endangered birds....
The art of communication. It is on the verge of extinction. It is an "endangered species".  It seems like people just don't communicate like they used to.  Is it any wonder that many people actually feel ALONE?  As much as this new technology can bring us together....across the country, across also has the ability to put communication, ACTUAL COMMUNICATION, on the endangered species list.  So, put down your cellphone, turn off your social media and pick up a pen and write a letter to someone or pick up your phone and CALL someone.  Don't text, but CALL them. Go visit an old friend, rekindle a relationship with a friend you haven't seen in ages or simply sit around the dinner table or in the family room and chat with your family or play a game. You will NEVER be ALONE when you are communicating with others....REAL communication.

You are NEVER ALONE.....except when you are in a room filled with people and they're all on social media.  Let's NOT let communication become like the California Least Tern (endangered) or the Woolly Mammoth and become extinct.

Love to you all,

P.S. Give me a call or send me a letter!! Let's communicate!! ;)


  1. Good, thought-provoking post. So true!

    1. Thanks for reading AND taking the time to comment. I appreciate it!

  2. The corded phone. Something anyone of us over the age of 40 remember. My distraction while on the phone was doodling - drawing on scratch paper my mom left by the phone. Filling in all of the "O' and 'A' letters with the pencil or pen that was near the phone. In later years, we had a phone that we put a long cord on so we could sit on the couch and talk.

    On the writing letters part, my sister (who turns 70 in January) still writes me letters a couple times a year. I have yet to respond via my own letter, but plan to here soon.

  3. I remember when we got a longer cord for our phone, too! It was almost as exciting as landing on the moon! We could actually move around a little while talking on the phone! Oh the memories!
