Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Keep moving forward

This YouTube video caused me to reflect a little on life, my life.  Am I sometimes like that dog...afraid to take the next step?  Afraid of what MIGHT happen?  Am I sometimes like that monkey...pulling my friends or family along, helping them get to the next phase, adventure, challenge in life?

We should ALWAYS be moving forward because if we're not, then we're just sitting there (or even going backwards), like the dog.  Imagine if he didn't have his monkey friend there to pull him, encourage him to keep moving forward.  What if the dog just sat down, afraid to keep going forward? I suppose he could have gone back the way he came....which would have meant he was going backward.  There are few things in life we can go back and change so it would seem to me that going backward or standing still would prevent us from progressing.

Aren't we all wanting to progress?  Whether it's doing laundry and seeing those dirty clothes become clean, folded and put away (now THAT'S progress!) or attending college and graduating and pursuing a career.  In both of these analogies (as contrasting as they are) you see progress.  You feel good about what you've done.  I'm not one to usually sit back and do nothing.  I always try to keep moving forward.  Sure, I get scared at times but it's usually that fear that motivates me to just "go for it".

Image result for picture of a 5k race finishlineI love life.  If I'm not running a race, doing a craft, knitting a blanket or hosting a gathering then I feel like I'm not doing all I can to keep moving forward.  Sure, the races (5k's, 10k's, half marathons, triathlons) OBVIOUSLY keep me moving forward by virtue of wanting to finish....and the finish line is always in front of me, BUT, that means that in between races I need to be exercising to keep myself in some kind of shape to run/race. So, again, I feel I am progressing.  Crafts? Knitting? Both of those consist of me researching which craft I want to do or item I want to knit.  I am searching the Internet for the right craft and then I do a couple of samples to see how they turn out.  Same with my knitting. I just keep moving forward, until I complete each project and then begin the next one.  As for hosting gatherings....I enjoy being with people so I host Pinterest nights (where we do the crafts I've experimented with) monthly (or at least try to do four a year), ice cream socials and even a ladies Christmas social every year.  I'm moving forward or progressing with each "event" as we strengthen friendships by visiting and even uplifting one another.
Image result for picture of footsteps in the sand side by side
I firmly believe we weren't meant to go through this earthly life ALONE.  We each need a "monkey" to help us through life.  We may even need to BE that monkey once in a while....helping our friends along the way (and yes....sometimes PULLING them forward).  Whatever you do, don't think you need to do it ALONE.  Just keep moving forward. Keep progressing.  Run a race, complete a craft, knit a blanket attend or host a gathering....just DO SOMETHING TO KEEP YOURSELF MOVING FORWARD.  If you aren't moving forward, it's likely you are standing still or even, sadly, going backward.

As we move forward together we will NEVER be ALONE.  I'm right there beside you, hopping from stepping stone to stepping stone.  I'll even wait for you so we can jump that last BIG step together!

Much love,


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