Why do we do that? "I am woman....hear me roar!" Or, "I don't need anyone's help. I've done things myself my whole life, I'm not gonna stop now." Or, "Why burden someone else when eventually I'll get this done myself." Or how about "I'm a big girl (or boy). I don't need to depend on anyone."
I'm sure there's many more reasons why we choose to carry our burdens/heavy loads alone. Those were just a few examples I could think of.

Admittedly, I'm one of those "Nah. I've got this" kind of people. I usually tell people I don't need help. I have chosen for most of my adult life to turn help away. There have been just a handful of times where I have turned to certain friends for help. There have been MORE than a handful of times where I've needed help - spiritually, emotionally and temporally (earthly help) but have carried the "burden" alone.
Is it because I don't feel worthy of help from others? Maybe you (me) have too much pride to admit you need help?? Is it because you have no one to ask for help?
Reality is, we ALL NEED HELP, sometimes on a daily basis. And there is always one person that will be there to help....we just need to ask for it. Read on ......
A few weeks ago in our Sunday School class, we were discussing the first principals of the Gospel: Faith, Repentance, Baptism and Gift of the Holy Ghost (confirmation). As we discussed repentance, there were many comments made, really good comments. We were discussing how we can repent and truly feel forgiven. There was one comment that stood out to me more than the others. This sweet sister said, "What would I tell "me" if I could talk to "myself"?" Think about that for a moment. How many of us have helped someone get through a tough time in their life? (We know how we can help someone physically, but now we've changed to the spiritual or emotional help.) We've probably offered words of encouragement or said something like, "The Lord is always there for you. He hears and answers our prayers. He loves you. He forgives you. Trust Him" or something along those lines.
So, as I pondered on what this dear friend said, I thought to myself, "Why am I so quick to tell others how much our Heavenly Father loves them and how His Son, Jesus Christ, paid for their sins or how I served a mission for 18 months proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how He atoned for all of our sins....and yet, I can't seem to place ME in that category of Him forgiving ME, TOO." I have no qualms helping people feel the love the Savior has for them but I choose to continue to carry my "burdens" from YEARS AGO. I KNOW the Savior died for each of us and just before His death, he took all of our sins upon him, even mine!....and yet, I CHOOSE to carry my burden....I 'refuse' to give it to him. If I continue to carry my burdens alone and not allow the Savior to help me, my journey is going to be slow and daunting. My path will always seem long and lonely. My 'arms' and 'back' will hurt all the time.
Matthew 11:29 teaches us: "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

I'm sure we could all enjoy some "rest for our souls". By carrying our own burdens, that the Lord has offered to carry, our souls may still be harrowed up by those burdens. Peace may be difficult to come by as we continue to carry our burdens alone.

My friends, we are NEVER ALONE....sometimes we just choose to ignore the help that is right in front of us.
Much love,
I love this Debbie! I am at most times the person who waves off help or doesn't ask when I should. I don't want to bother friends and maybe don't always have the faith I should to even remember that I can ask the Savior. I ask for the big things but I forget that even the little burdens he can and WANTS to help me with.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this post Debbie. I know we all need reminders from time to time like this. Thanks friend. I'm grateful for it.
Well, truth be told, after your comment that Sunday, this blog post has been brewing on the back burner. I'm glad I made the time to write this. Thanks again for being the inspiration behind this post.
DeleteGood stuff. I needed to read this today. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure, Deb. Glad it was a help for you. God Bless.