Hello friends! I've posted quite a bit on Facebook about my weight loss journey. I was not 100 pounds over weight. In fact, many people asked me WHY I was on a "diet". I was told that I looked great. Well, be that as it may, I was heavier than I wanted to be. Truth be told, my husband and I are going on a one week cruise this summer and then touring around Europe for an additional two weeks. So, my desire to lose weight was more aimed to being able to enjoy my cruise/vacation and not come home looking like a two ton pickup. Hence, I wanted to lose weight to be able to gain weight, if that makes any sense.
We recently went to a family Christmas party. My husband has been wanting to lose weight for a while. I'm not being mean when I say he looked like he had swallowed a basketball. Seriously, he needed to lose weight and it showed. While at this family party we both noticed a family member that looked great! He didn't need to lose weight because he LOOKED heavy, because he WASN'T, but we noticed that he looked thinner and he looked good. So, we talked to him about it. He said he was doing Keto. I had heard of the Keto diet before. In fact, I looked into it once and saw all the restrictions of what I could eat and what I couldn't eat and said, "No way! I can't do that! I WON'T do that!" Dieting alone is one thing but the keto plan was a whole different story. There was no way I could do Keto without the help of my husband especially being under so many "restrictions". Keto was totally out of the question. But now, well, now my husband was intrigued and decided to look into it.

The first five days, my husband lost FIVE pounds. I figured he was losing weight fast because he had more to lose than me. Like I said, I wasn't OBESE but I needed to lose weight (even if I wasn't going on a super vacation this summer). So, December 30, 2018 I stepped on the scale......

I went downstairs, looked at the chocolate in my kitchen and finally said, "That's it!" and my Keto journey began.
I haven't looked back. I am down 16 pounds since that day. I was told it may be difficult for me to exercise or run races (I run in a 5k or half marathon once a month) due to being on the Keto "diet". I haven't felt this healthy in years!! I have run in two 5k's since I started Keto eating (I call it Keto EATING rather than the Keto DIET - which I'll explain later) and I exercise at least four days a week.
I will share with you my journey and even give you some recipes of the foods I eat that help me maintain a Keto lifestyle while eating what I enjoy and still losing weight.
If you are interested in what I have done to lose weight and want to follow along, please stay tuned for my next post. I PROMISE to not leave you hanging. I want you to decide if you really want to do this. And if you do.....you are NEVER ALONE, because I'm right here with you!
Much love,
P.S. This blog is NOT sponsored by any company. I do NOT get paid for any food sources I mention. I am simply sharing with you what I've done to lose weight and feel great!!
Hey old (but young looking) friend,
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you wrote this! Ive been on the fence about keto for the past several MONTHS. Yes, MONTHS! I know it works, Ive lost weight on it before when i followed the Atkins diet. I havent been able to get back on though. Maybe Im too addicted to sugar idk. I recently read the book "keto clarity" and I really thought I was ready to do this again. I also started jogging in order to train for a 5k. I have managed to lose 25 lbs my running and logging in food using My Fitness Pal. But if I dont keep up the 5-6 days a week work out routine, the pounds seem to creep back on- and they have. I really want to try keto again, I just cant find my "mojo". I also heard that it would be tough to do keto and train for a 5k. Then I see this..your blog. I am inspired. Any advice??
Jennifer!! Hi! The biggest piece of advice is DON'T GIVE UP. I, too, was told I wouldn't be able to run and exercise like I used to. I never had a problem. I know people were just warning me on what COULD happen but it didn't happen with me. Like I said in my blog, I have run two 5k's since starting Keto eating and the 2nd one I did I ran one of my best times in a long time!! So, what you read from other is what they may have experienced. It doesn't necessarily mean you will experience it, too.
ReplyDeleteI just finished my blog post for this week. I think the trick is NOT starving your body with what it's used to having. As you know, especially if you've followed me on FB, I LOVE chocolate. The first night I was online looking for Keto chocolate treats because I knew I'd go nuts if I went cold turkey and not have chocolate anymore. Luckily for me, there are LOADS of Keto friendly chocolate recipes out there. I just posted one. I'm starting everyone off slowly in my blog. If you take it a day at a time then it doesn't seem so daunting and difficult. And if you get tired of eggs (which is what I had a lot the first 2 weeks) just know that you're ALMOST at that corner. Just watch the weight fall off and know that you can start mixing things up once you see results. At least that's what I did. Let me know if you have any questions after reading my blog post this week. And I'm glad I can inspire you!! Let's do this together!! You've got this, my friend!!!